3 Generally Calmer Ideas at the Fair : Horticulture Building Area Edition:  Day 8

3 Generally Calmer Ideas at the Fair : Horticulture Building Area Edition: Day 8

These 12 Minnesota State Fair Posts will look a bit different, seeing everything is contained within the Fair grounds some of the quick references will be located at the top of blog instead of being repeated multiple times.

General Spot: Minnesota State Fair

Length of time: 12 days (August 22- September 2, 2024)

Website: Minnesota State Fair

Type of Spot: Fair

Cost: $$

Reservations: No reservations required

Indoors/Outdoors: Mix of Outside and Inside

Seating Availability: Plentiful

Terrain: Sidewalks, Streets, Hills, Grass, Inside Buildings Smooth Flooring

Known Busier Times: 10am - 9pm


Spot: The Pine Tree and Christmas Tree/Wreath Area


Overview of spot:

 This hidden gem is often overlooked by visitors to the horticulture building. It is usually off to the side of the main Pine trees row. Besides being quiet it smells amazing too!

Indoors/Outdoors: Inside

Seating Availability: A little bit.


Spot: The Peg

Overview of spot:

It's the only seat down restaurant at the MN Fair. It's on the outside of the Horticulture building South East Side. Because of its' "hidden" location it a nice calmer spot to sit and eat.

Indoors/Outdoors: Outside

Seating Availability: Bigger than some other food vendor's patios.

Terrain:  Sidewalks

Cost: $-$$



Spot: Grass area by the West side of Horticulture Building

Overview of spot:

 Along the outside of the horticulture building there are pockets which are calmer and can over some great spots to sit. The picture is just one area that outside of the building.

Indoors/Outdoors: Outside

Seating Availability: Seating on the ground, tables and benches

Terrain: Grass, concrete steps, stone paths


 Recommend a Calmer Spot at the your favorite Fair or Festival


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