The definitions below can help you narrow your search when you are looking for a quiet restful spot.
This article was first published on Courageously Living LinkedIn Page and most of the material is from the Quiet Spot section at Courageously Living.
What is Bereavement Travel?
Bereavement Travel is commonly defined as immediate travel because of the death of a loved one.
Most airline used to offer reduced airfare for Bereavement Travel. As of 2024 only a few airlines worldwide still offer a discount.
In part because there are 3rd party sites that can offer cheaper airfare.
What is a 'Griefcation' ?
This is a relatively newer term. It is used to designate travel or a vacation after a death. Where the traveler is looking for a way to process their grief in a different way than staying at home. This can be closer to home or further away it's up to the person grieving. On social media it is commonly seen as #griefcation.
What is Respite Travel or Respite Vacation?
Respite Travel is a term used for travel or vacation for family caregivers who are emotionally and/ or physically experiencing burnout. This can include anything from a few hours away from their loved to several days away.
A 2023 study suggests about 53 million Americans are doing some form of caregiving for a spouse, an elderly parent or a child with special needs. This number is only expected to grow. Which means respite travel and respite vacations are going to be more common.
What is a 'Daycation'?
A 'Daycation' is getting away from your daily routine for the day. It is typically used when someone is feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
'Daycation' is a broader vacation term but still can be beneficial for someone who is looking for quieter spots.
It might mean going to the next city over and spending a day there or maybe traveling to a spot a few hours away. Where the drive might also be considered part of the time to decompress.
What is a 'Staycation'
A 'Staycation' is about staying close to home and exploring places in your area that you may not have seen before or have been waiting to experience, like a day at your local beach. (Weather permitting of course!)
'Staycation' is a broader vacation term but still can be beneficial for someone who is looking for quieter spots.
What is Sleep Tourism?
Sleep Tourism is all about getting rest and having to time to relax and recuperate. It can also called 'sleepcation', 'napcation', or 'sleep-cation'.
Sleep Tourism is a broader vacation term but can be extremely beneficial for someone who is looking for quieter spots.
There are a growing number of hotels and such who are marketing to the sleep tourism industry. Making it easier for you to find a spot to just sleep.
What is Quiet Spots at Courageously Living?
Quiet Spots was created to make it easier for you to find a quiet spot near you and connect you with resources you may not be aware of.
This is a brand new section at Courageously Living, but something we are strongly committed to.
As we expand Quiet Spots, we aim to enhance the recommendations to help you discover what would be most beneficial or healing for you today. From general ideas to location specific we will have you covered.
We ultimately want this to be sourced by the community!
Please leave a comment about your recommendations for quiet spots or different travel search tips. By commenting you are allowing us to use your comment and name in a future post.
We are looking for general and specific locations recommendations!