Creating Your Future: By using your energy and emotions of today

Creating Your Future: By using your energy and emotions of today

On a raining, but gorgeous crisp spring morning, I’m sitting on my screen porch, holding a cup of tea. Feeling it warm my hands. Fuzzy slippers on my feet. Appreciating my beautiful yard. Feeling content.

That vision is years away from becoming reality. And yet I can feel the energy and my emotions of that morning in the present day.

At some point I know I will have another home with a screen porch. I’m working on building the muscle to create it now.

When new things come into our lives it can scary even when we want them. By daydreaming and allowing ourselves to feel the energy and the emotions now of something we want, it becomes less scary overtime.

And it also sets us up to actually receive the thing we want.

It’s about changing the energy from anticipation to feeling the energy once it becomes reality.

In my mid-twenties to early 30's I got really good at switching my mindset from being stuck in anticipation mode to feeling that I already had what I wanted.

It wasn’t about faking it or pretending reality didn’t exist, it was about allowing myself to daydream where I was and what I was feeling in the future.

I didn’t even realize I shut down that ability until very recently.

My mid 30's brought intense caregiving and then grief of losing my grandparents. I had just started to recover from that period of my life and then Covid. About a year into Covid my parents sold their home and moved in with me for what was supposed to be 3-6 months. Between the housing market and major medical issues we are now 3 years in.

A little while ago, I was listening to one of my mentors podcasts and she was talking about creating what we want in life and how changing our vocabulary and energy to present terms is often overlooked. Or worse not even talked about.

Over the next few days I pondered what she had said. Because I knew, I knew that but it seemed jarring to me.

All of sudden it clicked. I had stopped using current terms to describe what I wanted to created in the future. I was stuck in the anticipation energy and really scared of the new energy that wanted to come in. I was blocking it.

This has been so recent that I’m still working through it and rebuilding my muscle for creating what I want to come into my life.

And that’s okay.

So often if we fail at something or lose an ability we once had, and we are quick to judge ourselves and believe we can’t do it.

The key is practice and consistency.

If I would have started this blog with:

Someday, when it is a raining morning I’ll appreciate having a screen porch.

Would you have been pulled into blog or passed it by?

By choosing to make it real for a moment I made it more powerful.

And that is why, you want to start occasionally daydreaming about the future in present terms.

After you’ve built your muscle for using current vocabulary in describing what you want, it becomes easier to apply to anything you want to create in your life.

What are you making more powerful in your life?

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