Up, Down and All Around

Up, Down and All Around

Have you even done a check-in with yourself and thought, “I just want to make progress but I feel like I'm going in circles”?

This post breaks down how you really are progressing forward even when you don't feel like you are. It specifically is written as a follow up an earlier blog post called: What really is preventing you from getting what you want?

If you haven’t read that one I do suggest reading that first. But the general concept below can be applied to other situations where you are trying to establish a baseline, and then have periodic check-ins.

I know when I first created the BKF Numbers technique (which is explained in the above mentioned blog) I had several moments of this isn't working.

I thought that because I started to get unexpected results. 

However, I had also gotten good results of forward progress so I wanted to understand what was happening.

So let’s take a deeper look into possible outcomes of answers.


At your check-in your numbers: Increase Toward 10

Excellent, this one is the easiest to see progress is being made. Your conscious and unconscious mind are working together to move things forward.

If you still want to get to get to 10 ask again in a day or two.

At your check-in your numbers: Stay the Same

This can be frustrating because you had expected to see your numbers increase.

Depending on what you are trying to change this might be that you just attempted to check-in too quickly to see your progress. Numbers that stay the same doesn’t mean progress isn’t happening it’s just that your conscious and unconscious mind require more time to process the change.

Ask again in 2 or 3 days.

At your check-in your numbers: Go Down

When your numbers go down this is the most disheartening to see on a logical level. BUT it means there are major movements happening between your conscious and unconscious mind. Change can’t happen at just a surface level it has to be integrated into your entire being.

And work is being done behind the scenes to integrate what you want into your life.
Depending on the intensity of what you are changing checking-in in a couple days might be fine.
If the change is something pretty significant in your life, you might want to wait 3- 4 days before you check-in again.

At your check-in your numbers: Are All Over the Place

Excellent! Your conscious and unconscious minds are working hard to integrate your mind shift. Creating space for what you want in your life! 
Check back in a few days.

Sometime big changes take more time, and sometimes they don’t. Give yourself space and time for either.

You can think of all of this as learning a new skill. You might get the basics down the first day or two, but then a couple weeks later you seem to have regressed. And you are messing up the basic steps again.

That happens because you are constantly adding another layer to what you know and unconscious tweaking the basics as you go.

For example

Let’s say you are learning how to bake. At first you measure precisely the right amount.

As time goes by you get a little less careful about the measurements and the baking item still turns out okay.

Then all of sudden your bakery items aren’t turning out and you realize you stopped measuring completely because you just eye balled the measurement.

You have to go back the basics of measuring again. It won’t take you as long this time to get your bakery items to turn out again, because the base knowledge is already there you just inadvertently tweaked your knowledge a bit too far.

That is similarly what is happening with your beliefs, feelings and knowledge when you try to create something new into your life.

At first think carefully about what you want to create. Some time passes and doubts start to creep in but, you still see the end goal. So no big deal.

Finally when you are close to what you want obstacles and detours come up that make you question everything or worse give up completely.

Then it becomes time to go back to getting clarity on what you want so you can move forward again.

Change can be hard, even when you want it or desire it. Give yourself grace for the process of getting there.


BFK Numbers: A quick recap of the technique

BFK is a simple 4 part technique to help you quickly see if there is something preventing you from moving forward.

Creating a baseline to understand what you Believe, Feel and Know for any specific area in your life.

Releasing what is no longer serving you.

Then going about your day.

And finally checking-in to see your progress.


To learn more about the basic technique check out the blog called BFK Numbers Technique.



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