Decluttering Abundance

Decluttering Abundance

Yep, decluttering is good for Abundance

We often think and want more abundance in our lives. 
Which can be a good thing. 
However we also bring in unconscious abundance into our lives.
When was the last time you cleaned out your inbox? Or purse ( if you carry one) Or even a room in your house?
All of that abundance can be overwhelming.
And it takes up energy and sometimes physical space in our lives. Oftentimes preventing what we really want in abundance. 
Now I’ll be the first to admit I can be a digital pack rat. My email box on a normal day…. oof.
Over time I’ve realized how good it feels to take some time to declutter a bit.
Although if I try to clean out my inbox all at once, I’m overwhelmed and pretty much give up before I start.
My goto method for cleaning out my inbox is….

Set a Timer!

Maybe not an actual hour glass.... but a timer never the less. :)

I usually set my timer for anywhere between 10-20 minutes. 
I sort items I can delete in bulk. 
  •  Sales that are over— delete
  •  Old Newsletters I know I won’t get back to reading  - delete
  •  Old Meeting responses - delete

Timer goes off…. I move on with my day.

I know there is still more to clean but I got some cleaning done and I feel better.
When I first started doing this, I felt bad for not getting it all done at once. 
You might too, and that’s okay. However overtime it feels like you are making progress.  
Feeling like you’re making progress is a great motivator to keep going.
The timer method can work for physical spaces too. 
And the best part is you get to pick how long you set the timer for. 
If your day is packed, set your timer for 5 minutes. If you have a bit more flexibility, set the timer for 15 minutes.
This is about you taking a few minutes to declutter the abundance that isn’t serving you so you have time and energy for the abundance you do want!

What are you going to declutter today?

*Original post appeared on my old site.*


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